
Showing posts from 2018

Are we all living with a purpose?

Most of us have certain constant goals in our life like attending high school, graduating, earning for basic needs and then there is end sometimes.But , are these purposeful in our lives.or do we have another purpose to live life so as to not to end our goals to lead a purposeful life. Life would have been easier if we have something to look forward to daily, may be small purposes or may be not.Because our heart cannot be filled with the small intentions.Either we look forward to a very big purpose or no purpose at all.But we don't realize that living for a big purpose which may not be easy to met can help you forget all the small purpose you have for your life.may be that can loose all your interest in living your life with a daily dose of purpose.May be we all might loose interest one day to meet the infinity line of the big purpose we have for our lives, and in that journey may be we are ignoring all the small purposes in our sequences of meeting the infinity math w

To the Constant Situation in life..

The Art of Loving

What is Love? Anyone is aware of exact definition? can we really define or measure love?Or is it a form of any art? Is it any of these Painting,Dancing,singing or is it inside each of them.we know art is a piece of our imagination filled with thoughts or emotions.Do we imagine love and then create it?or do we have it already inside us and it spreads when imagination of different individuals collide.Is it a self driven process or is it trigger process or is it not any process just imaginations?Art is an activity driven by your imagination and strings attached to it.Can we say love is an art, or art has love in it?Love is confusing art leading you nowhere because of your imaginations, inculcating feeling of doubting it's existence.


We are nothing but faces. Faces that have different shapes, emotions, expressions but yet the same linkages.All around us we can see these faces, when we are staring at someone, or when we are talking to someone, or when we are in front of mirror or even when we are thinking of someone.The base of Face can be clear or dotted, but still it won't stop serving it's purpose.The purpose of saying unheard things through mouth.Every line on your face  conveys some meaning telling a story.The story sometimes is itself revealing, may be in the form of clear readability of happiness and sad curves.Sometimes the lines are broken all entire your face making it difficult to read and predict the story.People make stories reading your faces, probably it may join those lines or may be not.Also sometimes you don't want any story to be created so you may stop revealing even words on your base.Eventually with time, we know people by reading their faces faster.and when we know them for quite

When Life Seems DIrection less

At some point of your life, may be the stable point of your unstable career  when you have achieved an unstable career growth your life seems to stop.The gap between the goals achieved and the new goal making has widen up.They says Life is what you make of it. but , when we don't feel like making any thing , then what is our life about? Stability in your mind for some situations can worsen up the situation making you feel numb about your life due to that constant behaviour of stability driven by your own self. To the situations which you don't want to face or you fear facing  ignoring that will always continue to seek your mind attention whenever your mind is not occupied by the world.There has to be a delete button for these situations, deleting the entire bin of your need to clear up your mind bin to fill in more things.and that is how you can get some directions  for your life.Will it be too easy to delete it? Every day this bin is loaded with such situations, some

Add some spices to your Tea.

Indian Spices are the most powerful to heal all your diseases and flush out toxins from your body. Turmeric : Add this to your regular tea and milk. It act as an antioxidant, fights diabetes and cancer, Brain booster, gives you lighter skin and has the endless benefits. Ajwain (Carom) water: Helps in weight loss,cures stomach gas, cures acidity,constipation, irregular periods Fennel, Fenugreek and coriander seeds tea : Take spoonful of these 3 ingredients and add some water to make tea and  you can drink this the enitre day after you meal. This can make you feel super lighter and fresh.Ditch those coffee and green tea adopt these tea in your daily lifestyle. Cumin Water : Aids weight loss, boost digestion, rehydrates the body, strenthen your immunity, Treats Anemia. Ginger+Black pepper+Honey: Trust me it do wonders for the bad throat. Ditch those cough syrups which has extra sugars in it. just mix these three ingredients add some tulsi leaves in it and have it to soothe your bod

Eat Fresh to look Fresh

We have heard a lot of times that it is what you eat you become and i truly agree with this.No matter what you use over your skin externally but what matters is what you feed your skin internally to be clean from both ways.These days people are really obsessed with being thin or being more fairer but what they forget is fitness  is not about looking thin it is about feeling light.your weight does not  determine your fitness but your stamina do.Diets(So called Diets) that people adopt as a part of being fit which includes eating more animal based protein or not eating at all, starving your body can lead to frequent craving every time leading you to eat more and more during unwanted hours.These diets will never work and can never make you feel fit or healthy.You need to be more aware of what you put in your body. your brain need food to function the way it should.don't starve your body by not eating, instead eat a full meal.The simple home made food which is plant based meal is the