
Showing posts from November, 2013

Beautiful shot of a dragonfly covered in morning dew...

Here are 4 thing you didn’t know about these amazing creatures → Their larval stage can last up to two years. → They can catch prey by grabbing it with their feet. → A single dragonfly eats hundreds of mosquitoes a day. → The globe skinner dragonfly has the longest migration of any known insect...

an "APPLE" a day keeps the doctor away...

"eating an apple daily while going to bed can keep the doctor away from earning his bread" let me give scientific explanation.. apple contains components such as pectin which maintains our digestive system,contains boron which makes our bones strong and brain sharp,vitamin c which boosts immunity,contains quercetin which reduces the risk of cancer,contains phytonutrients which reduces tooth decay.. so one apple is full of goodness and richness do eat apples and stay healthy..


TIME DON'T WAIT.... wether it is seconds,minutes,hours,years,seasons... so changing time changes monotony of life... winters has arrived.. i name winter as "jannat" season... the cold breeze,the snow which kisses the trees, the beautiful landscapes,the fog,mist and the beauty in darkness... we wear multiple clothes sitting in front of fire drink "chai" the food becomes heavy which make us even more  lazy... we sleep day and night inside  our fluffy "razai"... the new season brings the new hopes,desires,ambitions,resolutions the winter brings the christmas along with the new year.. each year starts from winters  season the season brings the new year resolutions with all the strength and the warmth in chilled weather... i just love the chilled atitude of the season..  so happy winters... enjoy.. :)

the best in you is within you only so, be you...

we have never seen nature crying until and unless we do something harm to them... flowers,trees ,animals,oceans,rivers,seas,whole nature is smiling and seems beautiful everytime.... the winds are rising.... the air is wild with leaves.... the seasons changes .... the wind changes the nature changes happily... without any comparision and distraction unlike humans... we "humans" find  pleasure in the pathless woods, we find rapture on the lonely shore, we find in "nature" a society that none intrudes, we love the deep sea and the music in its roar, i love not humas the less, but nature more.... we love unique nature and its unique creatures.. they are just being themselves which make them unique... so learn from environment just be you and stop wondering about others... the simple funda of living life with the joy and peace that nature gives...