
We are nothing but faces. Faces that have different shapes, emotions, expressions but yet the same linkages.All around us we can see these faces, when we are staring at someone, or when we are talking to someone, or when we are in front of mirror or even when we are thinking of someone.The base of Face can be clear or dotted, but still it won't stop serving it's purpose.The purpose of saying unheard things through mouth.Every line on your face  conveys some meaning telling a story.The story sometimes is itself revealing, may be in the form of clear readability of happiness and sad curves.Sometimes the lines are broken all entire your face making it difficult to read and predict the story.People make stories reading your faces, probably it may join those lines or may be not.Also sometimes you don't want any story to be created so you may stop revealing even words on your base.Eventually with time, we know people by reading their faces faster.and when we know them for quite a long time we can connect every dot on their face and the outcome is a true story, and that is how we start facing people.So the gist is knowing yourself is knowing your story .so when standing in front of the mirror are you able to connect those dots or are you hiding those words? Are you facing your face or are you hiding deep inside it?The challenge is clarity .It may seem dirty initially but when you connect things and get the meaning you can clarify your doubts and end that story to  create a new beginning or new story.This may even save you from false stories at other's end.


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