God is the Creator Of the whole Universe and he's perpetual . He has Gifted Human with bundles Of his BenefaCtions through which we rejoice in Our Lives because he's the Only One who comprehends about the precise feelings Of Human existence needs to subsist  and so On . Rain is the Blessing of God and it is the most influential and vital requirement to survive for the Humans , Birds , Plants , Trees and many another crucial things .
I Looked Up the Sky the Cloudy abruptly got covered with Obscurity , The winds Changed hastily, Light sifting it from One another, and i walked from One plaCe to another On the carpet Of fallen Leaves . I felt that i am thousand miles away from my stay and was utterly feeling console , and the monotonous Sky became a Magical and bright , the colours Of the Nature was Vibrant and shimmered on the Orb . A petite torrents and then drizzle just got started and my fingers trifled the pouring drops and allured my senses into spring awaking . My heart was feeling like about to danCe with puddles around my feet as the rain falls from the clouds above i am in a world as beautiful as lift , i spinned blissfuly and felt that nothing could be so calm as i'm feeling here, it was a pleasant and serene feeling which Only a Lone person come to know the eternal intensity Of Rain . At that signifiCant Boiling point the happiness reaChes to its highest peak which even we cannot measure by any sCale . The sentiments got raised by the impressions Of Beautiful scenes Of Nature which give solaCe to a state Of spirtual satisfaCtion . Everything seems hushed , transCend , and full Of amity which gives us pleasure to get Ourselves drenCh in the fountain Of Contentment and gives an internal serenity to the mind  and soul . Woods , High Hills , Flowers , Green grassy landscape provides nonviolent happiness to the human spirit though . Rain gives an inner solace to the soul and the person abruptly got engrossed in the Divine Aura Of Blissful condition . The epitome Of Drops smells like a Fragrant red Rose which spread its fragrance in all Over the alley .
Despite Of , Birds got deviate to their dwellings 
safely nestled inside its beautyhowever , some Of them enjoys sitting in the trees to get their selves immerse which enlightens their inner spirits too . Tress ,lanes , shines like an glittering gems as the moons gives its kindle glow at midnights . Inspite of People enjoys its most paired snacks Of dumplings with tea which doubles the grandeur Of the Rain .
A person swings in the lap of the Drops Of Rain consequently and the dreams and desire get esCalate more and more . Rain has a mystic influence On a person's sensation . It prevails an elusive and fasCinating effeCt upon the body who's really attaChed to it for delightness . It purifies the internal  potenCy and a person feels energized by the vista Of Rain . We surrender Ourselves to the beauty of rain, and got swimming in a sea of serenity, With a Blanket of warmth surrounds Us , 
Rain filled all the things with its beautifiCation ,with the fragrance of happiness and the Minds sets to free for all .. 


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