like STARS,like DREAMS..!

Countless Stars,Countless Dreams.We never Stop dreaming.Dreams are born,they die but they never get extinct.Dreams are like stars,they keep shining,they keep enlightening our minds,like stars enlighten the universe.The brightest Star reflects the biggest Dream.But once It become reality,its Light will brighten our world like the brightest Stars.Every star reflects a dream.Night brings the Stars.Darkness Bring the light,Endurance reflects your strength,so do hardship in life turn dream into reality.The goodness of everything in life will be realized only if we have suffer from worst in life,otherwise good times will lose its importance.Every negative instance in life is the beginning of positive.The beauty of star can be seen in darkness,also the happiness of dreams shaping to reality can only be seen during hardship,during bad times,once you never have these bad times u never again will dream of anything as stars are never seen in light So,don't feel bad if there is darkness,feel happy its only and only this time,you can shape your future,shine in the dark,cover the darkness with your dreams,fulfill them,and then shine,bring the light out of that darkness,and enlighten your path.keep Dreaming keep achieving and keep shining.


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