Time flies...!

There is an end for everything in life.life can never be permanent,it is always a temporary one.We,situations,people in our life,challenges in life,worries,happiness,everything has to end at some point,then again the same set of things continue,then again it changes to new one,ending of older ones.life is about beginning and ending of journeys.you start with a journey just to end it up at some point,you keep starting and ending journeys in life.Starting from your childhood it was only your parents which matter to you,the phase ended starting with the school journey,where we have new friends,challenges,competition study,parents, you completed and that ended,then it was or may be your new life in college,new friends again,newer challenges,more competition, parents,love of your life,crush..and that ended too.Every end has a new beginning.Next phase will be another beginning,that will also end,and the journey continues.the only thing matter is,how to end and how to begin.Each ending has some memories,good or bad and these memories never have a dot,It is the memory which is always alive in our heart with changing time.Time flies,letting the life to fly with it but memories are alive and shine in our heart like stars in the skies.


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