Is loving oneself-Selfishness?

Thinking for oneself is selfishness..then yes i am a selfish person and will be always.If we are cared by someone then we are called dependent and if we care for our own self then we are called selfish.The world is nowhere happy and don't even let us to be happy either.Caring for oneself is a utility sometimes , when there is no one for you and you have realized that no one can actually care you like your own self. After doing a full psychology on people,we accept the truth and live with that truth.And why feel bad for bitter truth if you can accept and move. When we actually start caring ourselves the world becomes even more beautiful, we stop regretting, blaming or feeling bad we just care and grow and when we start growing we start changing and these small things not even matter. Caring brings positivity within us.we feel lively and positive.we think about ourselves and one thing good happens that we start knowing ourselves and caring ourselves.Its good to be selfish than to be dependent,because no one can remain forever with you expect you be dependent with your soul your spirit your body  and complete you.Be with you forever.


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