Words kill more than swords

You are silent it doesn't mean you don't feel anything.The pain is so deep within that we are not able to say anything but the mind is saying million of things within to us.The mind is disturbed.it never answer what we ask, it keep on saying what it is saying which we never want to accept.People we love,not necessarily love us back or they do .Our mind is in dilemma.Some words kill you,words of hater,words of selfishness,words of comparison,words of partial and some words are not even describable.It may be sword which kill the body but it is definitely the words which kill your soul.Cruel words from the people you love brings the bad times in your life.With the good times comes the bad times,what if bad times are enduring and good times doesn't make any difference to your life.Something bad and is permanent which you can never change.The person is the only hope of love in your life  and also you cannot change the truth you don't understand what is going on.you are just dying from within slowly and your love  towards that person is changing to hater.


  1. it happens..kinda type of hearts, feelings and minds issues-all involved together to create a web we get ourselves slide into and we don't know where we are actually taking ourselves to. Instead, look for your heart, it will answer in the perfect way what it embraces, mind will say anything-somewhere driven by reality and reasons.

    as far as words are concerned, they will kill you, they will make you die, just don't give a f**k to anyone to play with your heart, you are you and alone will you stand whole of your life. most difficult thing in the world is to be yourself when that very world is constantly trying to change into someone you are not. stand for your heart and stand for anyone when you love that person more than your heart and if you do love which is rare you gave that person every right to kill you by word or sword. love people more than your life and love those more than your heart whom you can love blindly.


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