Knowing or Trusting

Words we speak can never be erased.It may happen that we spoke the wrong thing from our thoughts of mind different from thoughts of heart,or we are thinking something else speaking something else and not remembering what we just know spoke or we speak only for the conversation to intiate or we speak anything according to our mood or freedom to speak depends on the person we are getting engage. Does your words define who you are? according to us they do,they can predict almost everything about you.but the prediction is not always right, as what we spoke is sometimes unknown to us only.Predicting through our words which we spoke may help to know who we are to someone who is stranger.But to someone we know,prediction through words can help us to check their trust on us.Sometimes we feel so free with the person we are,that we speak anything,without any fear or without being bluffed we just speak fecklessly and predicting anything from this could be fallacious.Here comes the knowing or trust between the two.if you know someone,trust them,you will never predict anything amiss.but if you do,you have been always an stranger....


  1. it depends on the kind of love and relation you share, and the feel of love you have been through all time :-)


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