"monotonous habit"

Every day i notice one of my neighbour's house,one girl from that house daily come in the morning to throw household rubbish from dustbin to their nearby plot.i was staggered to see that its not 1 day she is practising this activity  many  times every day.she keep throwing all the waste to that plot.by looking up the condition of that plot i think she is throwing households waste from several months,without even thinking  damage she is doing to the land as well as other neighbours health.there is so foul smell coming out of that plot that one could not even come out of their house without covering their mouth.1 girl has done so much change to that plot without even knowing what she is doing,population is increasing and so does the damage.so guys plz do things only when you know they are right and will not harm anyone."nature"...think before u do.....


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