There are a lot of things that harm our environment but here is one that effects humans and animals ,perfumes and cologne is man made . These items affects the air quality and basically every human uses these products ,personally i can't stand smelling these products anywhere i go or when i eat ,i get sick and i'm down for a while sneezing, coughing,vomiting. you see these chemicals are released into the air when spray or dabbed on to you skin but they also linger where ever the person goes ,some people will break out in rashes and other symptoms and the agency's that produce these say they don't effect anyone =oops their big white lie for multi billions companies . but what goes into our air goes to trees ,plants ,animals ,water supply when it rains but everything goes in a circle and it starts first from our own earth , would you want to rub Poison ivy or oak on your body ?. i know they say smoking causes cancer but these products affects us and every living thing on earth this is one activities that harms environment....


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